5 Ways To Hear God Speak (to you)

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them… Genesis 1:27-28 (emphasis mine)

Since the very beginning, God’s blessing of us has been made manifest through His speaking to us.  Mankind was only moments out of the dust of the Earth when our creator began establishing the nature of our relationship with Him.  He would relate to us, seek relationship with us, guide us, direct us and care for us, through speaking to us. But how often do we neglect this reality?  How often do we fail to listen or respond to this God who speaks? Do we even believe that He speaks to us at all?

I’m over at rockthis.org today with a post on hearing God speak.  Click on the image below to join me there!


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