
Studying God’s word with care and consistency is such a worthy pursuit.  On this page, you will find resources to help you study well.


His Word Alone:  A call to put down your Bible studies and pick up your Bible 

Buy my book on Amazon HERE.

img_0536-2After years of exploring every Bible study available in an effort to understand Scripture, Summer was awakened to the discouraging reality she knew more about the authors of her ever-present Bible studies than she did the Holy Author of the Bible. She decided it was time to put down her Bible studies and begin reading the actual Bible. Fueled by a passion for sharing the wonders of Scripture with women in all phases of life, Summer issues a call in His Word Alone to Bible study girls everywhere to put away their Bible studies and pick up the Bible. Summer is thoroughly convinced of God’s ability to use His word to meet us each individually, and assures us that we are each capable, able, and called to be in His word. Whether you are a seasoned Bible study girl yourself, or just beginning to explore the Bible, His Word Alone equips, guides, and encourages you to dig into the grit, grime, and endless beauty of Scripture with your very own hands.

How to Start Reading and Understanding the Bible {with 5 questions to help get you going}:  A blog post with some simple tips to help you get started in your study of Scripture.

Bible Study Tips and Tools:  A free guide on keys to effective Bible study available for download

How to Hear God Speak (to you):  A blog post aimed at helping us discern God’s Word to us.